Management decisions Test

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Product description

Task 1

1. Process solutions organization;
2.Protsessom planning;
3.Protsessom motivation;
4.Protsessom implementing decisions.

2.Formulirovanie solutions is:

1.Funktsiya management;
2.Spetsifika content management process
3.Identifikatsiya problems
4.Stepen implementation

3. Evaluation of the situation is this:

1.Stepen implementation of solutions;
2.Identifikatsiya problem;
3.spetsifika content management process;
4.EDITING control.

4.Kontrol this:

1.Vyyavlenie problem;
2.Realizatsiya decisions;
3.Identifikatsiya problem;
4.EDITING control.

5. In the theory of management solutions is seen as:

1.Svyazyvayuschy process;
3.Upravlyayuschee impact;
4.Usilenie employee motivation.

Task 2

1.Reshenie as the choice of an alternative definition:

1.CH.V. Vershigora;
2.L.G. Gitelman;
3.V.B. Utkin;
4.L.A. Trofimova.

2.Avtory encyclopaedia "Management of the organization" believes that management eto-

1.Rezultat human mental activity;
2.Vybor alternatives;
3.Zavershayuschy control step;

3.Upravlencheskoe solution is:

1.Funktsiya management;
2.Protsess management;
3.Itog solving the problem at an acceptable level;
4.The program of action.

4.Resheniya operate in the management system:

1.Pyat functions;
2.Chetyre function;
3.Tri function;
4.Dve function.

5.Napravlyayuschaya function solutions is shown that:

1.Realizuyutsya decisions approved terms;
2. They are made on the basis of primary and fundamental objectives of the organization;
3. It is always between the phases of understanding and implementation management;

Activity 3

1.Koordiniruyuschaya-making role -

1.In the elimination of potential problems;
2. In the process of decision-making;
3. In determining the balance between the objectives of resources and activities;
4. In the implementation of the administrative decision.

2.Svyazyvayuschaya solutions feature:

1.Realizuyutsya decisions in accordance with the purpose of the organization;
2.Pobuzhdaet staff to achieve the objectives;
3.Proiskhodit elimination of potential problems;
4. In the process of adoption and implementation of all management functions interact.

3.Plan this:

1.Nabor decisions;
2.Protsess decisions;
3.Programma decisions;
4.Proekt solutions.

4.Protsess decision underlies:

1. Program activities;
2.Kompleksa works;
3.Planirovaniya of the organization;

1.Kompleks works;
3.Sovokupnost projects and activities;
4.Kombinatsiya joint alternatives.

Task 4

1.Filtruyuschaya feature consists in that:

1.Reshenie shown on the basis of the main objectives of the organization;
2.Resheniya used as a function of management;
3.Resheniya address the real problem;
4.Reshenie between phases are always thinking about the implementation of controls.

2.Motiviruyuschaya feature consists in that:

1.Pobuzhdaet staff organization achieve its objectives to employees;
2.Resheniya taken on the basis of the main objectives of the organization;
3.Resheniya taken as a function of management;
4.Resheniya address the problem.

3.Motiviruyuschaya function is implemented through a system of organizational measures:

1.Premii, allowances;
2.Prikazy, regulations;
3.Rost to retirement salary;
4.Delegirovanie authority.

4.Ekonomicheskie solutions aimed at:

1.Osuschestvlenie organizational impact;
2. Creation of new technologies;
3. Increase the efficiency of the distribution of income of the organization;
4. Development of the organization's personnel.

5.Organizatsionnye solutions are:

1. Development of personnel of the organization;
2.Povyshenie organizational effectiveness;
3. Crea


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