Linkedin Sales Navigator for 3 months(no login)

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linkedin email:
Продаж: 2
Возвратов: 1

Содержимое: уникальный код 16 символов

Гарантия доставки

Продавец обязуется доставить товар в течение 24 часов с момента оплаты. Если доставка в заявленный срок не осуществится, вы сможете самостоятельно отменить сделку и вернуть денежные средства.

Описание товара

Linkedin  Sales Navigator for 3 months(no login)


How it works:
Put your linkedin EMAIL and pay ,After payment you receive a code ,kindly send the unique code to us so we can deliver the link to you
You will receive a link which will active sales navigator on your account for 3 months.

Ps: make sure that your account doesn´t have a current active subscription otherwise it won´t work. (no refund if this happen it is not our responsability to know if you have an active subscription already)

With the sale navigator subscription, members can access:

-50 InMail messages per month
-10,000 saved leads
-Advanced lead and company search
-Custom lists
-Lead and account alerts
-Notes and tags

The Sales Navigator advanced search function gives reps the power to more narrowly target their ideal leads and discover relevant connections.

Sales reps can choose from a large number of filters for people and/or companies including:

-Geographic location (by region or state)
-Job title
-Company name
-Company size
-Company type (e.g., public, private, non-profit)
-Group membership
-Years of experience
-Job opportunities
-Number of followers
These premium search filters save reps time by helping them target the most relevant connections so they can focus on more valuable sales tasks, like building relationships and closing deals. .

Дополнительная информация

what you´ll receive::
1-a 16 digits code that you send to us
2- we send you back a link to activate the subscription for 3 month ( sales navigator)
3-you enter the link and sign in with your linkedin account and it activates the sales navigator plan.


За последние
1 мес 3 мес 12 мес
0 0 0
0 0 0
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