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Загружен: 27.12.2013
Содержимое: 31227165013040.rar 14,58 Кбайт

Описание товара

Напишите начальную форму слов с учетом орфографических изменений:
1) carries; 2) centuries; 3) cities; 4) galleries; 5) knives; 6) qualified.

Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:
1. Factory workers
2. City museum
3. Month salary
4. Moscow university

Переведите предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на - s, и какую функцию этот суффикс выполняет:
а) показатель 3 лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite
б) признак множественного числа существительного
в) показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.Moscow´s Underground carries more than a million passengers every day.
2. The City museum consists of 12 halls.
3. Moving escalators bring people to underground trains.

Переведите предложения, содержащие оборот «there + to be».
1.Were there University buildings in the centre of the city?
2.There was no water basin in mountain part of the country.
3.There is a bus stop not far from the railway station.
4.There will be the meeting of experts next week.

Переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения.
1.The Thames is the largest, but not the deepest river in England.
2.That task was more difficult than this one.
3.One of the most popular buildings in England is St. Paul´s Cathedral.
4.The more you listen to foreign speech, the more you understand it.

Переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы глаголов to have, to be, неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.
1. The factory had no problems with qualified personnel.
2. No city in England has so many resort places as Brighton.
3. His friends usually have a good time in summer.
4. I have some work to do and I am not free at the moment.
5. They are against any changes in the project.
6. Why shall you be in a hurry?

Прочтите текст и переведите его
1.Heavy traffic - оживленное движение
2. То behead - обезглавить
1.London is the capital of England, the capital of Great Britain, and the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the oldest towns in the world. The old Celts gave it its name, the Romans made it the centre of their new colony, the Germanic invaders made London the capital of the country.
The central part of London is full of historical remains. Almost every building, every bridge, every street, palace house, and stone - each of them has its own story, its own past. In London past and present are so mixed that they cannot easily be separated and when you are in London you see the past in the present and the present in the past.
2.The oldest part of London is called the City. In the City the streets and pavements are very narrow and the traffic is very heavy but on week-ends the City is almost dead.
The most fashionable and the most expensive part to live in is the West End. It is situated between the City and Hyde Park. The City and the West End are the heart of London; they are the parts which everybody who comes to London must see and want to see, because they are more interesting than any other part of London. All the most interesting buildings, stores and offices are situated here.
3.The Tower of London, the Bank of England, the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Law Courts, and many interesting old churches are situated in the City. The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery and many theatres and large stores are in the West End.
London has many bridges over the Thames, more than twenty, but the most interesting of them is the Tower Bridge situated near the Tower of London.

Дополнительная информация

4.The Tower of London is an old castle, with high walls, high towers, small windows and large gardens. Once, it was a royal residence, a strong fortress and a state prison. Here many important people, among them two wives of Henry VIII, were imprisoned and beheaded.
London is the most important industrial centre in Britain. There are many industries - old and modern there.

Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту, учитывая типы вопросов.
1. The City is the oldest part of London, isn’t it?
2. Are the city and the West End the heart of London?
3. Are the streets in the City narrow or wide?
4. What is the most fashionable part of London?
5. Who gave the city its name?


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