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8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free

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Продаж: 8
Возвратов: 0

Содержимое: уникальный код 16 символов

Описание товара

8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free 8infinity (Steam key) @ Region free

После покупки Вы получите КЛЮЧ для активации указанного программного продукта.

If you change the units of speed and distance for “8”- what will happen?
8infinity (8 infinity).8infinity (8 infinity) is a dynamic and rhythm game where the player reaches eights “8” - levels of infinity. In the game there are no barriers. If there are any, it’s only the imagination! This game is for everyone who wants to improve their quick thinking and the related skills.Passing through eight is signaled by color, which player must click the correct button: violet or color blue, double color or gray - the most surprising move, where a player can’t touch the screen!The level of difficulty increases every time you reach the "8" – the pace of the game becomes faster. Surprise causes unpredictable rotation of eights - it is like rollercoaster!The hero of the game is a heavy metal ball, that enlightens "8" like an orange fireball. The whole game is complemented by the purposefully created sound.The game graphic design has been carefully tailored combining terms of classic elements with modern visual design.


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