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WoW RUS gametime timecard playtime (+WoW CLASSIC)

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Продаж: 117
Возвратов: 0

Содержимое: уникальный код 16 символов

Цена за 1 month(-s)
от 1 month(-s) 670 Руб.
от 2 month(-s) 663.3 Руб.
от 3 month(-s) 649.9 Руб.
от 6 month(-s) 596.29 Руб.

Гарантия доставки

Продавец обязуется доставить товар в течение 24 часов с момента оплаты. Если доставка в заявленный срок не осуществится, вы сможете самостоятельно отменить сделку и вернуть денежные средства.

Описание товара

WoW RUS gametime timecard playtime (+WoW CLASSIC)

WARNING! THIS IS NOT A CODE! READ TERMS OF SALE! Requires the transfer of account on 5 minutes! We guarantee the safety of all property ACCOUNT BATTLE.NET!

ONLY FOR RUSSIAN ACCOUNTS (country living to be the Russian Federation or the former CIS)

There are fears? Read a review! They can be written only after delivery of the goods to the buyer.

Why is it safe?

After entering a username or password, you will need to pass a code sent to your e-mail, or code sent to you by SMS or remote control code from the authenticator. After transmitting the code seller quickly enters your account, pay your game time and is what tells you instantly. If you trust enough - change your password immediately. You can not loose your account because you do not give us the most important thing - the answer to your secret question, without which we can not change email of your account, so we can not steal your account, _even_ if we want to do that. We do not need to risk our reputation for scaming you for ~ 9 euro. We sell on more than 10 years and have only positive feedbacks. Game time delivery is about 5 minutes, if Blizzard no technical problems at the time of payment.

On this page you can buy WoW game time for Russian accounts WoW. This gametime is available for EVERY Game version on the official servers.

You can buy wow gametime for WoW Classic servers here.

You end prepaid game time in World of Warcraft? You do not want to start a subscription? Then you can simply order a certain period - 30,90,180 days (1,3,6 months) - and game time will be credited to your account for 10-30 minutes after check the unique code (ie the seller must be online!).

To accelerate the delivery of the order in advance sign in the mailbox, which is attached to an account

• After payment you will receive a unique code that must be reported to the seller in any convenient way for you. If the operator online delivery is no more than 10-30 minutes. All necessary steps will be made for 2-5 minutes (if you respond quickly to seller´s messages), rest of the time goes on receipt of payment;
• You will be required to pass the username and password of the account. All actions will make through the account manager No one will login into the game. When seller wil ltry to login at battlenet account, the notification will be sent to the email address that your account is temporarily locked (do not worry and do not react - everything goes according to plan), and the unique code (usually 6 digits) - This code you must send to the seller too
• Wait for a few minutes and get your prepaid game time. After that, I beg you to leave positive feedback! Note that customers can leave feedback only after making the purchase /delivery>

► Why can not transmit the code to pay for possession IMMEDIATELY

At October 8, 2014 Blizzard has canceled the purchase all keys as a gift in Blizzard shop. So from that time you can buy all keys as a gift only using european account for euros.

Our service allows you to pay for game time using old prices, but under the new rules. You risk nothing, because MMOPEON is a guarantee of quality, long life for players of Warcraft and only positive feedback.

Delivery time from 5 minutes to 24 hours. Usually delivery time is 5-10 mins if the seller is at the computer. The term of delivery may be extended for an indefinite period due to technical problems at Blizzard. For these problems the seller is not responsible.

Дополнительная информация

MMOPEON - more that 10 years on - only positive feedbacks - high quality guarantee and best service!


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